Featured Artist
“The Role of African Art in the Process of Healing”
Join us in a uniquely rewarding evening of discourse
Khali Keyi, an artist whose primary discipline or response is leather, will facilitate a conversation about the true beauty of African Art and its tremendous power to heal. A healing that occurs through the actual process of creating as opposed to the final product: "the art" itself. Khali, who resides in New York, will be visiting the Sacramento area during the month of February.
Khali Keyi is an artist whose primary “discipline” is the art of leather. In addition, he is also a painter and designer. Khali believes that being an artist is a gift and a calling that should be shared and used to serve others. He has conducted numerous workshops titled “Every Thing Connects” as an Artist-in-Residence in Louisville, Kentucky; Lebanon Junction Public School in Kentucky; Jackson-Hole, Cody, & Casper, Wyoming; and Baltimore, Maryland. His art pieces will be available for purchase.
Khali Keyi